Message of Thaqalayn
A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Studies

Message of Thaqalayn
A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Studies

Abstract: An Imam who surpasses all people in every honourable quality whether it be knowledge, courage, piety, or wisdom, and who leads justly leads people and guides them towards morality is a blessing and grace of God. In Shi`i Islam, the concept of Imamate refers to the necessity of having a divinely-appointed leader who will lead the Islamic nation after the Prophet’s death. The previous part of this series displayed the responses to objections raised against Imamate from prominent scholar Allamah Hilli’s Kashf ul-Murad, expanded on from Nasir al-Din al-Tusi’s Tajrid al-I `tiqad — the first treatise on Shi`i theology. Kashful Murad is one of the most widely read of Allamah al-Hilli’s publications as it is the first commentary written on Allamah al-Tusi’s work. This part continues with discussions on the proofs for the Imamate of Ali, his superiority to the companions, the Imamate of the eleven Imams after him, and rules concerning those opposed to his leadership.


Message of Thaqlayan

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