Message of Thaqalayn
A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Studies

Message of Thaqalayn
A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Studies

Abu al-Qasim ‘Ali ibn Husayn al-Sharif al-Murtadha, known as Sayyid al-Murtadha, was one of the most renowned scholars of his time. After the death of Sheikh Mufid and his brother Sayyid Radi, Sayyid Murtadha shouldered the governmental responsibilities by leading the Shi‘a society. He was the head of high court of justice who lead the Alawites and superved the hajj pilgrimage. In addition to his social activities, he was well-known for his piety and expertise in various fields of theology, jurisprudence, literature, and poetry. In this exposition, after outlining the preceding notions, Sayyid Murtadha’s publications, teachers, and students have been listed, as well as a description of his religious, scientific, and political authority during a golden age in Islamic history.

Message of Thaqlayan

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