Message of Thaqalayn
A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Studies

Message of Thaqalayn
A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Studies

International Humanitarian Law is a body of laws and regulations regarding the rights of people – including soldiery and civilian – in wartime. This body of laws, applicable to international armed conflicts, was enacted in the four conventions of Geneva in 1949 and the two annexed protocols in 1977. Although these laws and regulations have been formulated in the modern era, they are available in the divine religions, particularly Islam. More than 14 centuries earlier, Prophet Muhammad verbally and indirectly forbade the following actions during war: killing civilians, mutilation, killing the enemy’s emissary, using mass destruction weapons, betrayal and perfidy, and torturing and killing the captives. Adducing the Prophet’s way of life and other evidence, jurists deem these actions illegal.

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